Umzimvubu River – N2 to Welsh bridge

This section is probably the easiest accessible of all stretches on the Mzimvubu. Shortly after the N2 bridge is a weir with a boat ramp on the right hand side. From there on the river picks up gradient with rapids about every 100m metres. They are mostly of the pool-drop type and can be read and run by experienced paddlers.

  • Ideal for: Kayak, raft, croc
  • Grade: 2 to 4
  • Length: 90km
  • Type: Remote, big volume river
  • Put-in: N2 bridge
  • Take-out: Welsh bridge (follow the road south from Tabankulu)
  • Levels paddleable: Any
  • Dam controlled: No
  • Permits: None

MAP 25

When conditions are right, rapids hundreds of metres long form beneath the winding canyon walls. During the last 10km before the Welsh bridge the severity of the rapids moves up a notch and is an indicator of what is to be found in the gorge proper. The bridge will be the take-out point for most people. Do not venture on unless you are skilled, confident and well prepared.

The area is heavily populated, so be prepared to entertain the villagers and children who will come and greet you and sometimes stay for supper.

This river description is taken from my book “Run the Rivers of Southern Africa”.
If you have any pictures or recent information on this section of river to share, please contact me:
I appreciate any contributions to keep this content up-to-date.